Hair transplant surgery involves removing small pieces of scalp grafts with hair from a donor site and relocating them in a bald or thin area.
Hair transplantation is the only permanent solution for the genetic thinning of hair and baldness. While other creams, foams and medications can slow down the loss, they can not cause significant growth, fill that bald spot or restore the receding hairline. When a complete unit of the hair follicle is transplanted from the back or side of the head, they will continue to follow their genetic predisposition to grow for the rest of their lives.
It is a surgical process that involves removing the hair follicles from any place in the body such as the face, legs or back of the head and planting them in the hairless part. This process is also used to transplant hair into eyelashes and eyebrows. Strips of skin are planted with good hair growth in the areas of baldness and in the follicular unit the bunches of hair with their roots are extracted manually and planted in the hairless place.