Calf augmentation surgery with implants is a popular cosmetic procedure that helps strengthen the size and definition of the lower leg. It will also correct legs that show visible deformation of the calf or an imbalance caused by an injury or medical condition.
Many men find it difficult to grow and sculpt their calf muscles even after spending time in the gym. For these men, implants are an excellent option to increase volume and definition.
This procedure also offers a solution for those men who feel that their proportion is not even. For many people it is easier to develop the upper part of their body and have more difficulty adding muscle to their legs, especially in the calf area. This often results in a very uneven appearance between the upper and lower part of the body by which men tend to be self-conscious.
In this procedure, solid and flexible silicone implants designed in a variety of shapes and sizes are used to adapt to the natural contours of the lower leg. After surgery, patients enjoy greater confidence because their legs have a more defined and muscular shape. This surgery is common among bodybuilders who want the appearance of larger and more in shape gastrocnemius.